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Loimia sp.

Green Spaghetti worm

Renato Von Glehn Paes (2014)

Photo by Alexander Semenov


Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Morphology & physiology


Biogeographic Distribution


Morphology and physiology 

Identification of the genus Loimia
3 pairs of branchiae dichotomously branched on segments two, three and four. Anteriorly to peristomium are the lateral lobes, neuropodia are present from the segment four, notosetae smooth tipped. Neuropodia fro segment five, the uncini have teeth arranged in vertical series only in adults animals, but are arrange in double rows on midposterior thorax. The genus Loimia has intraspecific dental variation and also has some variation related to the age in the form of the upper base of the uncini. This aspect together with the relatively constant form of the notosetae found in Loimia genus makes their taxonomy difficult.

Image extracted from P. Hutchings and C. J. Glasby, Description of the widely reported terebellid polychaete Loimia medusa (SAVIGNY) and Amphitrite rubra (RISSO).

Loimia minuta: A. Thorax in lateral view. B. Thorax in ventral view. C. Thorax in dorsal view. D,F. Anterior end inlateral view. E. Anterior end in ventral view. G. Bilimbate notochaetae fromsegments 18. H. Uncinus from segment 5. I.Uncinus from segment 11. J. Uncinus from segment 25. Scale bars: A,B,C,E,F: 1.3mm; D: 1.1mm; G: 0.05mm; H,I,J: 0.02mm.
Image extrated from  M. H. LONDOÑO-MESA, Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Grand Caribbean region.

